Ancient Egypt was a great civilization and thrived for thousands of years. They enabled various opportunities that we have today. Ancient Egyptian civilization was built on strong foundation. They flourished under the able rule of their pharaohs. Through the process of making our iMovies we were able to learn about how these rulers were able to lead Egypt to success or failure. I, and my partner, Nick, had the lucky experience of doing our iMovie on the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra XIV. We were able to appreciate what accomplishments Cleopatra achieved and when and how she affected Egyptian history when she reigned.
Throughout her reign, Cleopatra constructed various monuments, like other pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. But why did pharaohs, much like Cleopatra, create these? Probably, because they wanted to leave an imprint on history, or showcase their superiority and resemblance to different Egyptian gods through their monuments. Cleopatra in particular used monuments to display that she was the reincarnation of Isis, the Ancient Egyptian mother goddess, and created several monuments depicting her as Isis. Other pharaohs have tried a similar strategy to gain their subjects' trust and adoration. Some of the monuments may have been made to praise and applaud a pharaoh, by putting them up high on the pedestal and their egocentric attitude can be helpful for convincing the people they are great. Numerous constructions could also be built to represent the benchmarks and important events of history. Multiple monuments were created for religious purposes. Any monument makes an impact on the people living in the same society.
In our current society we have similar monuments that were made for similar purposes. The monuments today are iconic for the city or country of its birth. Famous constructions such as the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Sidney Opera House, the KL Twin Towers, Statue of Liberty and endless others represent their city for one reason or another. These constructions are known across the world and have made the city of where they are located popular and recognizable. Even though some of the structures that were built long ago were for purposes of religion, protection, or any other reasons, they have been maintained for the main motive of being renowned and drawing tourists and investors. People look up at these constructions and immediately know where they are from and their story, proud of their city or country's accomplishments.

The Taj Mahal, India

The Statue of Liberty, U.S.A

The Great Wall of China, China

The Sidney Opera House, Australia
Using Google Docs definitely aided us in our collaborated process of finishing this assignment. We were able to both complete our project, piece by piece, together establishing success. If the need arises, we could communicate from our houses and discuss on the Google Doc itself, about what information we could add. Knowing that someone else could check over your work, through the Google Doc, gave me a sense of comfort, for I had someone to lean on when I needed assistance. The Google Doc guaranteed a less mass of work to do. We were able to organize our work schedule and have a specific person to a do a section of the project, while the other worked on something else. It was nice to see that our notes and script on Google Docs benefited our project and that Google Docs was a reliable support for any collaboration assignment.
This assignment, though based on a single pharaoh, gave us an insight on what all pharaohs strove for or what drove them to their fall. We were able to examine how an excellent society had control and comfort in their midst, by learning about the leaders of that society. Also, we could redirect this information on stable or instable civilizations and compare them to others, knowing what makes a developed community. We identified how the pharaohs' war plans, tactics, influence, relationship with others, and leadership affected a civilization, immensely.
The challenging part of this assignment, for us, was distributing the work load, even with the aid of Google Docs, for though you can communicate through the document, it does not always ensure the carrying out of what you discuss, because that depends on your partner. In any collaboration communication is key, but I think that my partnership lacked this. We did not fully discuss what we were supposed to do and worked independently for the first half of the assignment. Although, along the way we learned to depend on each other for the completion of this project and I gained a trust for my partner to be able to finish what was needed. So, this assignment proved a learning experience and strengthened my skills in group work activities.
There were a few school-wide learning results that would apply to this type of project such as Collaborate Constructively and Communicate Effectively. These two were essential in my partnership and I think if you established this while working on your project, you would do well. Both of these key SLR's are important to the contribution of work and organization of your project. If you communicate effectively with your partner, then you have a better idea of what you are going to do and how the project is going to be done. Collaborating constructively and using your time wisely will assist you in the challenging process of finishing the project. I think having these two SLR'S are necessary for this project.
This iMovie was an excellent experience and I was able to learn so much about Ancient Egypt, one of the greatest civilizations of all time.
Here is our (my partner and I) iMovie:
We graded our own iMovie, including 4 others. Check it out-