Each person has their own unique identity and trademark. Everyone is created the same way, but function and think differently. No person is the same as another. We were able to embrace this fact when we completed a test to see what Learning Profile we had. There were various Learning Profiles that are based on how you do on the test. This test discovers what your learning style is and how you process information. People were grouped into categories that centered around their way of learning. This test gave me an insight to how I learn and how I could preform better. According to my Learning Profile test I am Learning Profile E.
"Learns best by analyzing and communicating (either verbal or written), the details of information. These learners will benefit by being a part of a cooperative learning group that has the freedom to talk and learn."
I learn best when someone explains through verbal or written communication. I understand verbal/written information, for I am able to process it more efficiently. I am quite aided, because most of the assignments my teacher gives us are on written/online documents or sites. This is comfortable for me, because if I misunderstand the instruction or want to recall the it I can always refer to it, easily. A discussions will assist me, for I am able to gain a better understanding with varied aspects and opinions. If I have doubts, I can clarify these in a verbal discussion and thus enhancing my learning. Verbal and written communication are critical to my learning.
"Under stress or new learning may have difficulty seeing, hearing and remembering the details."
I agree with this, because usually when I am under pressure I start to forget what I need to know and often make silly mistakes. Even if I know the facts, say for a test, I tend to stress out and suddenly I cannot remember the essential. I learn best when I am not under pressure and am calm and relaxed. I need to improve on being at ease for if I do so I will succeed. I can accomplish this task of improvement by calming myself before a test and preparing the days before. This way I will know the crucial facts and also be able to remember these facts, for I will not be stressed. I am a perfectionist and have the desire to have everything just right. Though being a perfectionist empowers me to work hard and put the utmost effort into everything I do, it can also lead to stress.
There are certain ways that I prefer to learn, though they may differ from other people's preferences. I want my teacher to know that I am serious about my work and always do my best. My grades are important to me and I value having good grades, because if I earn high grades then I feel rewarded and satisfied and that my completion of various assignments have been appreciated. Often if I do not have good grades, I work hard to improve them. I believe I am a hard worker and want to succeed. No matter what I will aim for accomplishment and never falter in my task to achieve high grades.
This Learning Profile test will aid students and teachers. When students complete this test they are able to identify how they learn and how their learning skills can improve. They can work to develop their weaknesses and maintain their strengths in learning. Though the downside of this test is it may not be accurate to what the student thinks of him/herself. This test is a wonderful opportunity to discover what is the best way for you to learn and how you can improve on your learning skills.
This is my Learning Profile!
I appreciated your thoughtful reflection. The way that you connected quotes about your "E" Learning Profile to analyze how it affects you was an excellent way to look at some key elements. It is really interesting how you feel good about accomplishments and that makes you feel satisfied. I'm sure knowing more about yourself as a learner really helps you have a better sense of what you can accomplish; I'm also sure you are quite proud of the accomplishment of this excellent blog post.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! :)