The City of Bengaluru
Bengaluru is a well-developed city in the state of Karnataka and is a leading IT exporter. The population being more than 5,000,000 and the average age being 26, the people of Bengaluru have certainly aided their city in it enormous growth over the past few decades. Environmental factors have also played a role in the establishment of Bangalore and historical factors of the past have definitely influenced the present. Throughout the years I have seen Bengaluru's fast changes in society and this made me wonder how a place can develop at a rapid rate in the right direction and how it reflected in people's lives. Bengaluru is a familiar city to me, as my parents are from there. I wanted to understand these developments and how Bengaluru became so global. These were the multiple reasons I chose to do my City Connection project on Bengaluru; it was a haven of new interesting knowledge that I never knew before. Several of my questions were already answered at the beginning of my research, but my study of Bengaluru also raised additional questions to ponder over. The final product of my City Connection is a success and it is now time to reflect upon my work.
1. What do you believe you did well on the project?
I believe I worked hard on my presentation and the final presentation was quite informative. I shed light on the environmental and historical factors of Bengaluru and I shared statistics that would spark interest for the audience. The pictures of my presentation enhanced and made the presentation attractive for others to see. Also, the slide design and font color of the text were pleasing to the eyes. My presentation had all the needed criteria. Though, my presentation was a rewarding accomplishment, improvement was welcomed.
2. What would you improve for future projects/presentations?
I think that my actual presentation in front of the class was okay, but could be better. Due to my nervousness, I skipped some of my information and was in a hurry to finish up. Now looking back there was no reason to stress or be nervous, for everyone was going to present. Next time I should not be tensed, because when I feel under intense pressure I usually blank out. I could have practiced more and memorized a little of the content or used notecards, instead of reading off the presentation, which withdrew my eye contact with the viewers and made my voice bounce off the wall, when it should have been directed to the listeners. I should have spoken in a louder voice and maybe even have used a bit of tone and facial expression, so my presentation would be exciting. My main goal of improvement should be focused on my presentation skills.
3. What did you learn from you preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentation of others?
This whole project was to learn more about the place where you or your classmates call home and I did just that. I never knew the history of Bengaluru and did not think of finding out about it, but this presentation drove me to do this. The history of Bengaluru appealed to me and I am glad that I was able attain so much knowledge of it. The advancement of Bengaluru which was once a small place, but now a major city housing most international fortune and more than 500 successful companies, was riveting to read about. Bengaluru presence in the global economy proved to be something worthwhile to know. I was able to learn of the environmental resources in Bengaluru, such as the Vrishabhavathi, a minor tributary of the Arkavathi River, which I had seen before. My understanding of how education and liberalization can affect the people and their country was elevated. I was amazed at how many of us are from two or three places and this project gave me the opportunity to discover more about these places.
4. What is your analysis of your performance?
My performance was good, although my presentation skills could be better. I think the product matters more than the presenting itself, for it displays the learning of the people who are not the greatest presenters. My presentation contained everything that was supposed to be included and had intriguing graphics. Since I worked immensely hard on this presentation the achieved project was quite nice. Overall, I think my performance was well done.
To see my presentation click on this-
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